Hikers and Dog Walkers36-429 Hikers and Dog WalkersHikers and Dog WalkersHikers and Dog Walkers
36-429 Hikers and Dog Walkers
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Hikers and Dog Walkers

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Hikers and Dog Walkers x 6 figures & 3 dogs.

Figure 1 – Male mid-20s in bobble hat with rucksack, looking down at map.
Figure 2 – Male mid-20s in hooded blue anorak, giving directions to figure 1.
Figure 3 – Male in shorts with enormous rucksack.
Figure 4 – Male mid-60s in tweed country clothing and peaked cap, striding one arm out to front holding walking staff.
Figure 5 – Female mid-30s in fairisle jumper, kneeling holding camera.
Figure 6 – Figure 5’s female companion wearing sunglasses, sitting with legs crossed, eating from picnic hamper. (Accessory included).
Dogs can be used with any of the figures.

OO scale hand painted plastic injection figures from Scenecraft.

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