US Army M984A2 HEMTT Wrecker VehiclePKTM01083 M984A2 HEMTT WreckerPKTM01083 boxPKTM01083 decalsPKTM01083 details
PKTM01083 M984A2 HEMTT Wrecker
PKTM01083 box
PKTM01083 decals
PKTM01083 details

US Army M984A2 HEMTT Wrecker Vehicle

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M984A2 HEMTT Wrecker.

US Army 8-wheel drive Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) with rear-mounted crane.

• 21 sprues, cab and tyres
• L: 283mm, W: 103.5mm
• Total parts 690+
• 1:35 scale plastic model kit from Trumpeter, requires paint and glue

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